Monday, March 19, 2007

An Essay: Definition of Success

I would really like to hear your definition of success. I'd really like to know what your thoughts are whenever you hear the word 'success'. Here is my definition of success:

There are many definitions of success in this world. Most of them have the basis for being selfish. 'Success is how much stuff I can get and how much fun I can have in life'. 'Success is getting the job I want, the family I want and the life I want'. 'Success is how much happiness I can get from the things that I buy and the people that I have as my friends and the different things I'm involved in'. I'd say the basis for these definitions also has to do with what will make us feel content and satisfied with life. I'm afraid that my definition of success is quite different from these possible definitions, however.

How would you feel if you had all the latest toys, games, clothes, cars, electronics (ie. ipod nano, DVD system, cell phone, palm schedule thingamajiggers) and food and had money to spare for expensive vacations? You've traveled everywhere and seen everything and have all the material possessions that you could ever want. You are one cool person. After all that, may I ask, what's left? You've succeeded in getting rich, you've succeeded in getting all you might want. Would you be happy? My answer for that is 'no, not really'. All this latest stuff would start to get boring.

It's like Christmas--you get a lot of cool stuff and you use it all the time. Days and even weeks later you still use all this cool stuff, but it doesn't have the same excitement attached to it. And then one day you find that you don't really want to use it--you just lug it around cuz everyone else has this kinda stuff, it's the fad to have one, and if you don't have this kinda stuff you really aren't that cool.

But then a new and better type of your stuff comes out and you notice that everyone else seems to have that and you don't. 'Oh, my friends have such a cool car now--my 'brand' of car is so dumb cuz all it can do is this...while my friends car can do this...'

There's always going to be something newer and better out there. So do you think you'll ever feel satisfied with the 'success' money has bought you? How can you succeed in getting happy and 'un-bored' for life?

You know, there is one thing in this world that is free that you don't have to spend long, worrisome hours at work for so that you can have it. (By the way, if your goal is to become so that you can get the latest stuff--don't bother, all you'll want next is the new and better type and you'll be plagued with jealousy and greed and never feeling satisfied.)

I always feel the greatest and happiest when I do something for someone else. Big or little, I know that what I've done is right, clean and good. Being nice to people, a lot of the time, though, is really, really hard. It's impossible to be nice every second of everyday. And you know, that's where you'll feel the happiest--making other's lives better and cleaner and safer. That's what God wants us to do, what He'll help us to do. He gives us the Holy Spirit so that we can do the 'impossible' things that He wants for us to do.

We are successful, I believe, when we do the things that our Creator put us on earth for. Only then can we find true happiness and the feeling of content and 'success'. If my job in life was to put batteries in watches, yet I didn't do it, the watches, obviously, wouldn't work and no one would be on time. Things would get a little messed up and disorganized. If we don't do what God wants us to do in life, just think what a mess the world would become! If no one loved what was true, pure, right, lovely and worthy of thought or praise, then we would be foul mouthed, uncontrollable, smug, murderous, un-pure, hateful, abusive and down right ugly people.

We're only successful in gaining happiness, joy, peace, contentment and true love when we do exactly what we were meant to do from the beginning of time...which is to 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind....and to love your neighbor (this also means friends, family and other people you meet in life) as you would love youself'.

True success comes from, and is, God. When we have developed a relationship and love for Him, and when we do His will, we will find everything that we are looking for. Success is not easy to obtain and maintain, just ask the big tycoons of this world, but with God's help and His love, strength and abundant patience we can slowly, but surely, gain the right kind of success and the right kind of happiness and goal for our lives.


Colin A. Lamm said...

Wow!!! There is a lot of good stuff in what you write here. You paint a very clear picture here of how elusive 'success' really is when all it amounts to is the power, position, and dollars this world has to offer.

Were you talking about me when you remarked how hard it is for some people to be nice all through the day :)?

B Bear Beat said...

No, I wasn't talking about you!! :-)

Alex B. Kennedy said...

You are a pro writer!!!! I completely agree with what you wrote. Obviously you DON'T have your priorities mixed up. I think that you have got to keep up your writing, you are doing great. (honestly that is what I think!)

One little thing that I noticed...
In paragraph 6 you started talking about the fact that there is one thing that will give you complete happiness but then you never mention it.

Keep your awsome writings rolling my way!!