Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Populational Problems

This is an essay that I had to do for my Social Studies this semester. It's a bit choppy but I think that the general idea is comprehensible. The assignment was to "Explain why world population growth is a serious problem and suggest what you feel would be a solution to the crisis."

These days many people are worried about the great increase in the world's population as we move further into the 21st century. They are worried about the resources that we may not have available in the future because of our sudden, and drastic, growth in population.

Africa is especially finding difficulties with the increases in its population. This problem is mostly due to AIDS and the lack of education that the population is receiving. In the world it is estimated that 125 million children are uneducated, 1,400 children die from AIDS everyday in Africa, 1,800 children that are below the age of 15 have become HIV-positive the same day in Africa, and 1,400 children become AIDS infected kids during their birth, in Africa.

I think that in order to help countries like Africa we need to, perhaps, lower our standards of living ourselves. I find that these days in North America most parents are in the work force getting money for extra pleasures. Some families need the extra income, but most families don't. For now women are more interested in a career than loving their children and raising them to be the children they ought to be. By neglecting this, many children are searching for attention and acceptance through drugs, boyfriends/girlfriends, selfish pleasures and gangs. (That's another story, though.) Also, women in the olden days had more freedom to help their neighbors and join societies that were interested in helping the poor because they weren't working. Do families really need (not want) both parents to work?

If we, maybe, give up all the extra things, like all the expensive vacations, extra computers, ipods, clothes, money and other pleasures in life, then we could help so many others with the extra money that we don't need. We would feel so much more happiness when we help others than if we keep buying all the possessions the world has to offer. As well, we would be giving people the essentials that they need to live and be successful--something we already have.

People will have to live with the consequences of their actions, such as the many babies that they have because of the intercourse they've had with men--abortion, for me, is just not something we should even contemplate, it's wrong. If you wouldn't murder, you won't abort someone (look up that word, abort, and see what it means...essential the meaning is murder) a baby, or fetus, is alive before it is born, otherwise how would it grow? Can you grow a dead thing, or bring a dead thing to life?

Another consequence that these 'now made better off people' would have to face are enemies and debts. Debts we could help them with, although it's sometimes a good idea for people to experience how to deal with getting out of their debts.

As we clean up the poorness in these poor countries and better educate these people, less people will be born or die, so then we all will have more resources that can be used in the future and knock on a few more days for us to live. If we, in North America, would stop over-consuming all these fast food restaurants and stop eating more than we need to, that would also help to knock on a few more days for us to live.

As you can see, it's not just the poorest country's problems that we are overpopulated and have a minimal amount of available resources. It's our (North America's) problem too that we are using up more and more of the food and trees etc. With less litter and more recycling we can have more paper and bottles and whatever else glass or aluminum is used for. As well, if we wouldn't consume so much unhealthy food, or eat unhealthy portions, or waste ingredients on these extra, unneeded things, then our resources would be more in stock.

So it's not just poor countries, like I've said, that need to get their act together so that we don't have these problems. It's everyone's, in this entire world('s), we all need to pitch in and help, no matter what the cost, so that we can overcome these situations that we have created by economic disparity.


1 comment:

Colin A. Lamm said...

There are some great ideas that you are contending with here. Here are a couple of questions that are not criticisms, but simply an attempt to disect your response:

1) What specifically can the African peoples do themselves to positively tackle overpopulation and the AIDS crisis?

2) Is there a wholesome and realistic alternative to abortion?

3) How would North America fair economically if they managed to curb their collective consumption issues?

4) I guess we should dispense with the idea of having pizza from Pizza Hut this Friday ;) ?

I really enjoyed reading your response and would love to talk / correspond some more on the subject.